Sunday, April 8, 2007

What was on your mind last night: Dream'd in a Dream

If you take interest in analyzing your intricate and eccentric dreams or hearing about others’, then take a look at the blogspot site “Dream’d in a Dream” ( in which a social psychologist describes and analyzes some of her most perplexing dreams. In Sigmund Freud’s book “The Interpretation of Dreams,” the prophetic and symbolic nature of dreams is explored; ths blog is exemplary of this concept. The author shares the details, sometimes graphic, that she can recall from a specific dream and interprets it based on her past experiences and current life circumstances. Most of the dreams she explains were upsetting or frightening, and the author relates them to traumatic incidents and emotional preoccupations. She does not hold back in tackling the significance of her dreams though self-analysis, which is something that can be very hard to do.

I find that it is so easy to judge and explain the behavior and attitudes of others; however honestly looking at oneself is often very daunting. Dreams reveal a lot about us and I think learning to decipher their meaning can help shed light on many aspects of our life that may be confusing. Judging by the growing popularity of dream dictionaries, which claim to explain what different occurrences in dreams represent, many people are interested in gaining self-understanding through dream analysis. While I am somewhat skeptical about the authenticity of such dictionaries, as is the Dream’d in a Dream blogger, they provoke thought about the subject which is a good first step. In a high school psychology course, we learned how to prompt memory of our dreams and recorded as much as we could remember for a week. Doing so was very insightful; dreams seem so arbitrary and strange, but when you really look at the details and relate them to your life, the cluttered pieces seem to fit together and reveal more than expected. I recommend checking out this blog and maybe even doing a little of your own dream interpretation.


k said...

I am really fascinated by this dream blog. I think dreams are crazy, and for whatever reason can explain a lot about a person, or atleast what is going on with them at that particular time. Sometimes, though, I feel that people can interpret dreams to mean anything. Like they can be symbolic for something big that happens in our life, and they say "oh that's so weird, I had this dream..." Like last night, I dreamt I witnessed a terrorist attack, and today there is this big school shooting out in Virginia. Can I see the future??? Dreams are a whole different dimension...

Jenn said...

Maya!! You posted this at 3:48 am...were you having trouble sleeping?? I totally remember learning about dreams during psychology and the different types of dreams that people and have why they have those dreams. I really want to look at the blog and see what it has to say. I remember my teacher telling us ways to remember our dreams but I don’t think it worked for me because I always forget mine. Very interesting entry!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Maya! Dude, have you ever heard of lucid dreaming? I'm not too sure of it, but what I do know is that lucid dreaming is when you know you're dreaming and then you can take control of your dream. But yeah, dreams are sooo weird! I don't really know if dreams really are our innermost desires or what, but sometimes I would like to know why random and totally whack things that happen in our dreams seem so normal. Like why don't we question it in our dream? Anyway! Cool post! =]

Lori said...

Thank you so much for writing such a kind post about my dream blog! Of all my blogs, it's the most personal and private one since it reveals things I sometimes prefer not to look at. Your comments on it are very insightful.

What's also fascinating about keeping a record of dreams is in watching how your dreams evolve. My dreams have always been kind of horrifying -- being chased, murdered, etc -- but lately they've become happier and more idyllic. In the biggest picture sense, that says a great deal.

Anyway. Thanks again!